Bellingen Seed Savers at the 2019 Autumn Plant Fair

Edible plants for sale - locally adapted seeds and seedlings
From 8.00am until 2.00pm
If you have any queries, please contact Gillian Salvestro / / 0481 317 281
Bellingen Seed Savers presents seeds and plants at a stall at the Bellingen Spring Plant Fair. Locally adapted edible plants and seeds for sale. Perfect timing for your Autumn vegie gardening and the famous Seed Saver raffle. We can almost guarantee the prize will contain something edible you've never laid eyes on before!
Come on down. Market Park (Corner Church and Park Streets) in Bellingen on Saturday March the 9th. 8am - 2pm but get there early. The plants sell quick!
Autumn is the ideal time to make those planting additions to your garden, orchard or farm!
The Bellingen Autumn Plant Fair features over 70 plant nursery stalls, with a huge variety of tropical and sub-tropical, native, exotic or food-bearing plants, garden supplies, and plenty of expert horticultural advice available.
Workshops, activities with undercover seating, information stalls from local organisations, fine food, musicians, free entry, lots of bargains and the chance to win a barrow full of plants donated by the stallholders, make this a great day out for garden lovers.
The Autumn Plant Fair is a fundraiser for the Bellingen Environment Centre and sponsored by the Bellingen Community Markets.
If you can help out on our stall, please contact Gillian (
If you have seeds or cuttings to donate, or would like to help pack seeds ready for the plant fair, please see our seed packing event.
Category: Plant Fair