The Patch Organics and Levenvale Farm at Bellingen

Tour of The Patch Organics and Levenvale Farm at Bellingen
From 9:00 am until 12:00 pm
Organiser: Nick Radford / or phone 6655 4069
Some of you will already know The Patch Organics from their stall at the Bellingen growers markets. Luigi and Nidya will show us around their market garden, which is based on principles of certified organics, permaculture, biodynamics and traditional Italy.
The garden is a plot within an organic, regenerative beef farm. Georgina from Levenvale farm will also drop in for a chat about that too.
Bring a plate to share for morning tea. The site is not far from Bellingen town and carpooling is available – please advise if you need/ can offer a lift.
Please do not attend if you are coming down with flu-like symptoms.
If you RSVP for this event, an email (containing directions) will be sent to the email address you provide on the RSVP form. If you do not receive an email, please check your junk mail folder.
Category: Open Gardens