Lindy’s garden in Bellingen

Bellingen town block
From 10:30 am until 1:00 pm
Organiser: Nick Radford / or phone 6655 4069
You may have admired this fairly conspicuous garden from the street, when parking your car on market day or walking around town. Lindy manages to fit fruit, vegies, ducks and quail in a modest-sized back yard. Her style is an interesting balance of controlled yet a bit wild.
Numbers are limited - no pets please - so get your name in by RSVPing below. From here, one of two things could happen:
- You get an automated message saying that you're in the system and will eventually get a reply (this may take a week or two) either confirming that you're in and the address, or with the rare but unfortunate news that you missed out.
- Or you don't get an automated message immediately upon RSVPing. In that case, email Nick below.
Any issues, contact Nick by phone: 0474 114 773 or email:
Bring a chair and plate to share for lunch. Carpooling is recommended – please advise if you need or can offer a lift.
Category: Open Gardens